Google Code Search のUIが日本語に対応しました

Google Code - Updates: Code Search in More Languagesより。

Today is a multilingual day for Google Code Search. You can now use its interface in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Spanish.

We also added support for languages of another type as well -- Code Search now detects code in more programming languages (AppleScript, COBOL, ColdFusion, Haskell, Modula-2, Modula-3, OCaml, R, Rebol, SML, and VHDL), which appear in the language drop-down on the Advanced Code Search page. If your programming language of choice isn't in there, just use the the file: operator to restrict your search to files with the right extensions. For example, you could restrict your search to files with a .zz extension with a query like foo file:\.zz$. (More info in the FAQ.)

As a Spanish engineer in Google's Zurich office, my days tend to be pretty multilingual. So it's been great to be part of the effort to help Google Code Search understand a few new languages as well.


  • 本日(11/20/2006 米国時間)、Code SearchのUIが日本語を含む12言語に対応したよ。
  • AppleScript, COBOL, ColdFusion, Haskell, Modula-2, Modula-3, OCaml, R, Rebol, SML, and VHDL に対応したよ。
  • Advanced Code Search pageから検索の対象にするプログラミング言語を絞り込めるよ。
  • もし絞り込みたいプログラミング言語が見つからなければ file: 演算子を使うといいよ。
  • Googleのチューリッヒオフィスでスペイン人が設計するとき沢山の言語を使うよ。そのとき、Google Code Search は役立つよ。(訳者注:Google自身にとってもCode Searchの開発は合理的なものだと言っているのだと思われる)


Google Code Search

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